2005-09-15 12:19:06 UTC
Hi all. (all three of you)
Is it true that one cannot fillet segments from different polylines, or
fillet a polyline to a line? Acad permits it, adding the line to the
polyline as a new segment.
These comparing questions will probably end quite soon, since we are
going to use Icad as the primary drafting software. When we ditch Acad,
I'll stop comparing and whining.
But Icad should get the CLEANSCREEN from Acad 2004. That command is
really nice.
Regards, SMF
Is it true that one cannot fillet segments from different polylines, or
fillet a polyline to a line? Acad permits it, adding the line to the
polyline as a new segment.
These comparing questions will probably end quite soon, since we are
going to use Icad as the primary drafting software. When we ditch Acad,
I'll stop comparing and whining.
But Icad should get the CLEANSCREEN from Acad 2004. That command is
really nice.
Regards, SMF