Latest free version.
(too old to reply)
Diego Klein
2006-09-16 17:27:05 UTC
What is the latest free version of ICAD? I use IntelliCAD 2000.
Where can I download it?
Thanks in advance.

Diego Klein
2006-09-16 20:36:12 UTC
Post by Diego Klein
What is the latest free version of ICAD? I use IntelliCAD 2000.
Where can I download it?
Thanks in advance.
It's up to V7, some still have V6. No version is free now, I believe some
are free for a short time then expire. There's no reason why it should be
free and it's still unbelievably cheap I think. Try Bricscad or just search
in google... but only if you have your money ready.
2006-09-17 00:31:58 UTC
Actually, there is a free for non commercial use version but, if this guy
has been using it this long, he should buy it. Software companies don't work
for nothing and if everybody just went for the free version, eventually
there would be no more. They got to make a living, support them.
Post by jg
Post by Diego Klein
What is the latest free version of ICAD? I use IntelliCAD 2000.
Where can I download it?
Thanks in advance.
It's up to V7, some still have V6. No version is free now, I believe some
are free for a short time then expire. There's no reason why it should be
free and it's still unbelievably cheap I think. Try Bricscad or just search
in google... but only if you have your money ready.
Henk Jan Barendregt
2006-09-17 06:12:05 UTC
Post by CW
Actually, there is a free for non commercial use version but, if this guy
has been using it this long, he should buy it. Software companies don't work
for nothing and if everybody just went for the free version, eventually
there would be no more. They got to make a living, support them.
You can download Progecad LT for free. And you don't have to pay
afterwards. Checkout http://www.progesoft.com

Henk Jan
2006-09-17 06:25:25 UTC
Correction, I didn't know of a free ver. I think 2000 was an exercise in
winning public confidence after Icad was disposed by Visio and taken up by
the Icad consortium. Quite right, 6 years is a pretty good trial. It
deserves to survive and won't if it is given away.
Post by CW
Actually, there is a free for non commercial use version but, if this guy
has been using it this long, he should buy it. Software companies don't work
for nothing and if everybody just went for the free version, eventually
there would be no more. They got to make a living, support them.
Post by jg
Post by Diego Klein
What is the latest free version of ICAD? I use IntelliCAD 2000.
Where can I download it?
Thanks in advance.
It's up to V7, some still have V6. No version is free now, I believe some
are free for a short time then expire. There's no reason why it should be
free and it's still unbelievably cheap I think. Try Bricscad or just
Post by jg
in google... but only if you have your money ready.
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