GeoTools V8 English - Complete productivity for IntelliCAD & AutoCAD
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Rakesh Rao
2007-11-13 09:00:50 UTC
G E O T O O L S 8.08 C O M M A N D S S N A P S H O T

GeoTools is a productivity tool for AutoCAD. It works on AutoCAD
versions 2008-2000 and all vertical applications built on these
AutoCAD versions.

GeoTools helps you finish your AutoCAD tasks faster, smarter and more
efficiently, minimizing operator errors, automating repetitive and
commonly asked AutoCAD production tasks.

The program was conceived and written with geographic data users in
mind. Typical industries which would benefit from GeoTools are GIS /
Mapping, Planning, Utilities and Infrastructure, Facilities
Management, Surveying and engineering industries. With over 225 tools
covering various function categories like Polylines, Text, Blocks,
Attributes, Conversion, Autodesk Map, Civil etc, the program has
enough tools that is of benefit and use for just about any AutoCAD

Download fully functional 30-day evaluation version at

GeoTools offers:
- multiple user interfaces
- is fully dialog box driven
- is 100 % icon and pull-down menu driven
- and is command line compatible for un-attended script file (SCR)

In addition, each command has several options and sub-options to fine-
tune the way each command works. This makes each
command very flexible in its capability to handle processing

Flexible purchase options: You now no longer need to purchase the
entire toolkit. Our 'MyGeoTools' feature allows you to order only the
required tools that you need. Check out this URL for more info:


GeoTools also ships now with a GDF Viewer in AutoCAD which can bring
up GDF files and display the geometry and also be able to query point,
line, areas, attributes, relationships, complex and conversion
features etc. The program is still in beta and under development but
it demonstrates our growing competence and interest in handling GDF

What is GDF?

GDF means Geographic Data Files. It is a standard data exchange
format and a data model used for modeling navigation data. It is used
to describe road networks & road-related data and is an international
standard ISO/TC204 / CEN/TC 278.

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GeoTools Commands Snap-Shot:

Tool # 1 - [Polyline] - Join 3D polylines
Tool # 2 - [Polyline] - Automated join [2d polylines]
Tool # 3 - [Polyline] - Flexible ways to convert 2D-3D and 3D-2D
Tool # 4 - [Polyline] - Specify a new start point for closed polylines
Tool # 5 - [Polyline] - Single pick add-vertex, delete vertex
Tool # 6 - [Polyline] - Convert zero length to points
Tool # 7 - [Polyline] - Identify & Reverse direction
Tool # 8 - [Polyline] - Distance and angle based weeding
Tool # 9 - [Polyline] - Set zero elevations to nearest non-zero value
Tool # 10 - [Polyline] - Populate zero value elevations by linear
Tool # 11 - [Polyline] - Label vertices, Label segments, angles. Fully
user customized
Tool # 12 - [Polyline] - Compute summed lengths
Tool # 13 - [Polyline] - Control polyline line-type
Tool # 14 - [Polyline] - Multiple Pedit
Tool # 15 - [Polyline] - Identify zero elevation vertex
Tool # 16 - [Polyline] - Explode wide polylines, retain width geometry
Tool # 17 - [Polyline] - Place Points/Blocks along vertices
Tool # 18 - [Polyline] - Powerful property based filtering
Tool # 19 - [Polyline] - Offset, Move, Extract, Mirror, Rotate,
Stretch part of polyline
Tool # 20 - [Polyline] - Find direction of vertices
Tool # 21 - [Polyline] - Convert arc segments to linear in many ways
Tool # 22 - [Polyline] - Convert from spline, Convert to spline
Tool # 23 - [Polyline] - Compute detailed statistics
Tool # 24 - [Polyline] - Easy 3d polyline
Tool # 25 - [Polyline] - Express Pedit
Tool # 26 - [Polyline] - Highlight elevation differences
Tool # 27 - [Polyline] - Add/Remove closing vertices
Tool # 28 - [Polyline] - Fillet between two polylines
Tool # 29 - [Polyline] - Fillet multiple polylines
Tool # 30 - [Polyline] - Offset and delete original
Tool # 31 - [Polyline] - Offset closed polylines INwards / OUTwards
Tool # 32 - [Polyline] - Break crossing objects at end of polyline
Tool # 33 - [Polyline] - Multiple Variable distance measure
Tool # 34 - [Polyline] - Multiple Variable polyline segment offset
Tool # 35 - [Polyline] - Convert lines, arcs, circles to polylines
Tool # 36 - [Polyline] - Offset 3d polylines
Tool # 37 - [Polyline] - Weed (remove) collinear vertices from
Tool # 38 - [Polyline] - Draw 2d/3d polylines with auto-edge panning
Tool # 39 - [Polyline] - Join nearest ends of lines and/or polylines
Tool # 40 - [Polyline] - Create polygonal centroid points / labels
Tool # 41 - [Polyline] - Create closed polylines from a mass of
networked polylines
Tool # 42 - [Polyline] - Convert polylines to 3dfaces
Tool # 43 - [Polyline] - Compute summed polyline areas from selected
Tool # 44 - [Polyline] - Merge adjacent closed polylines
Tool # 45 - [Polyline] - Draw 3d polylines with auto-incrementing/
decrementing elevations
Tool # 46 - [Polyline] - Multiple polyline / line/ arcs vertex editor
Tool # 47 - [Polyline] - Create mathematical offsets between two
contour polylines
Tool # 48 - [Polyline] - Analyze and fix Z elevation trends
Tool # 49 - [Polyline] - Drape a 3d polyline over a set of
intersecting lines/polylines

Tool # 50 - [Conversion] - Scale Z values
Tool # 51 - [Conversion] - Change Properties ByLayer-to-ByEntity
Tool # 52 - [Conversion] - Convert Blocks/Shapes to Points
Tool # 53 - [Conversion] - Convert Points to Blocks/Shapes
Tool # 54 - [Conversion] - Assign inherited Properties
Tool # 55 - [Conversion] - Assign contour elevation semi-automatically
Tool # 56 - [Conversion] - Assign contour elevations from text objects
Tool # 57 - [Conversion] - Change to current layer
Tool # 58 - [Conversion] - 3DFaces to polylines
Tool # 59 - [Conversion] - 3DFaces to polyface mesh
Tool # 60 - [Conversion] - Polyface meshes to polylines
Tool # 61 - [Conversion] - Convert Object Table Data to Xdata
Tool # 62 - [Conversion] - Transfer Object Table Data to Block
Tool # 63 - [Conversion] - Convert lines, arcs, circles to polylines
Tool # 64 - [Conversion] - Convert polylines to 3dfaces
Tool # 65 - [Conversion] - Flatten - Convert to elevation = 0.0

Tool # 66 - [Text] - Add Prefix/Suffix to Text
Tool # 67 - [Text] - List Drawing Fonts
Tool # 68 - [Text] - Enclose Text in Box
Tool # 69 - [Text] - Align Text
Tool # 70 - [Text] - Change to upper, lower, mixed case
Tool # 71 - [Text] - Globally modify TEXT/MTEXT properties
Tool # 72 - [Text] - Draw quick auto-incrementing text (running
Tool # 73 - [Text] - Draw Multiple Text
Tool # 74 - [Text] - Trim characters
Tool # 75 - [Text] - Filter by property
Tool # 76 - [Text] - Round Off Numeric text
Tool # 77 - [Text] - Slide (move) text relative to its rotation angle
Tool # 78 - [Text] - Write Text to File
Tool # 79 - [Text] - Add/Remove underlining
Tool # 80 - [Text] - Consolidate into MText
Tool # 81 - [Text] - Search, Replace and Zoom to Text & Attributes
Tool # 82 - [Text] - Search Blocks for text strings
Tool # 83 - [Text] - Transfer text strings as object data
Tool # 84 - [Text] - Transfer text strings as block attributes
Tool # 85 - [Text] - Split long text strings into smaller delimited
Tool # 86 - [Text] - Create text along a curve
Tool # 87 - [Text] - Un-clutter text labels by repositioning them away
from each other
Tool # 88 - [Text] - Create text aligned to a curve
Tool # 89 - [Text] - Create Date/Drawing stamp

Tool # 90 - [Selection] - Polylines based on derived properties
Tool # 91 - [Selection] - 3DFaces based on derived properties
Tool # 92 - [Selection] - Powerful boundary based object selector
Tool # 93 - [Selection] - Powerful Object Selection Set
Tool # 94 - [Selection] - Find objects in selected Z range
Tool # 95 - [Selection] - Select Current Layer
Tool # 96 - [Selection] - Select Current Style

Tool # 97 - [Inquiry] - Display angle between two lines
Tool # 98 - [Inquiry] - Display info. about polyline bulge (arc
Tool # 99 - [Inquiry] - Compute Center of Gravity
Tool # 100 - [Inquiry] - Display Drawing Statistics
Tool # 101 - [Inquiry] - Compute running distance/perimeter
Tool # 102 - [Inquiry] - Compute summed areas of closed polylines
Tool # 103 - [Inquiry] - Object Selection Browser
Tool # 104 - [Inquiry] - Quick elevation Info
Tool # 105 - [Inquiry] - Display horizontal & Vertical distances
Tool # 106 - [Inquiry] - Find out direction of polyline vertices
Tool # 107 - [Inquiry] - Compute detailed polyline statistics
Tool # 108 - [Inquiry] - Identify objects with vertex elevation
Tool # 109 - [Inquiry] - Compute summed polyline areas from selected

Tool # 110 - [Draw] - Tapered lines
Tool # 111 - [Draw] - Helix
Tool # 112 - [Draw] - Parabola
Tool # 113 - [Draw] - Involute
Tool # 114 - [Draw] - Perpendicular lines
Tool # 115 - [Draw] - Box with diagonals
Tool # 116 - [Draw] - Running Numbers Text
Tool # 117 - [Draw] - Multiple Text Insertions
Tool # 118 - [Draw] - Projected (construction) lines
Tool # 119 - [Draw] - Easy 3dpoint
Tool # 120 - [Draw] - Easy 3dpolyline
Tool # 121 - [Draw] - Easy 3dface
Tool # 122 - [Draw] - Draw tangents to curves
Tool # 123 - [Draw] - Draw 2d/3d polylines with Auto Edge pan
Tool # 124 - [Draw] - Easy Extrude command
Tool # 125 - [Draw] - Create polygonal centroid points / labels
Tool # 126 - [Draw] - Draw 3d polylines with auto-incrementing/
decrementing elevations
Tool # 127 - [Draw] - Create Text along a curve
Tool # 128 - [Draw] - Draw rectangle border at screen extents
Tool # 129 - [Draw[ - Draw bounding box around selected objects
Tool # 130 - [Draw] - Create text aligned to a curve

Tool # 131 - [Build] - Make right-of-way from center-lines
Tool # 132 - [Build] - Make road center-lines from rights-of-way
Tool # 133 - [Build] - Multiple polyline offsets - relative / absolute
Tool # 134 - [Build] - Offset and delete original
Tool # 135 - [Build] - Offset, Move, Extract, Mirror, Rotate, Stretch
part of polyline
Tool # 136 - [Build] - Move/Copy and then rotate
Tool # 137 - [Build] - Offset single segment from polyline
Tool # 138 - [Build] - Offset closed polylines INwards / OUTwards
Tool # 139 - [Build] - Multiple Variable distance Measure
Tool # 140 - [Build] - Multiple Variable distance polyline segment
Tool # 141 - [Build] - Multiple drawing Inserts
Tool # 142 - [Build] - Create closed polylines from a mass of
networked polylines
Tool # 143 - [Build] - Create mathematical offsets between two contour
Tool # 144 - [Build] - Create edges along adjacent, closed polylines

Tool # 145 - [Cleanup] - Weed (remove) polyline vertices based on
distance and angle
Tool # 146 - [Cleanup] - Weed (remove) collinear vertices from
Tool # 147 - [Cleanup] - Analyze and fix Z elevation trends in 3d
Tool # 148 - [Cleanup] - Remove overlapping line segments from a
selection of line objects
Tool # 149 - [Cleanup] - Delete Duplicate Objects
Tool # 150 - [Cleanup] - Delete Null TEXT
Tool # 151 - [Cleanup] - Purge All Unused Symbols
Tool # 152 - [Cleanup] - Linework and Node-work Snap (MAGNET)
Tool # 153 - [Cleanup] - Remove redundant closing vertex in polyline
Tool # 154 - [Cleanup] - Break crossing objects at end of polylines
Tool # 155 - [Cleanup] - Create edges along adjacent, closed polyline

Tool # 156 - [Blocks] - Place Points/Blocks along vertices
Tool # 157 - [Blocks] - Convert Blocks to Points
Tool # 158 - [Blocks] - Convert Points to Blocks
Tool # 159 - [Blocks] - Globally Modify Block Properties
Tool # 160 - [Blocks] - Extract Block attributes to file
Tool # 161 - [Blocks] - Transfer Attributes between blocks
Tool # 162 - [Blocks] - Explode only nested blocks
Tool # 163 - [Blocks] - Global Attribute Editor
Tool # 164 - [Blocks] - Multiple Redefine of Block definition
Tool # 165 - [Blocks] - Replace Block
Tool # 166 - [Blocks] - Explode Block- Retain attributes as Text
Tool # 167 - [Blocks] - Express Block Insert
Tool # 168 - [Blocks] - Search and replace text/attributes
Tool # 169 - [Blocks] - Edit Block graphics and attributes globally
and independently
Tool # 170 - [Blocks] - Insert blocks with auto-incrementing attribute
Tool # 171 - [Blocks] - Edit graphics and attributes globally and
Tool # 172 - [Blocks] - Search Block definition for text string
Tool # 173 - [Blocks] - Define Object table from block attributes
Tool # 174 - [Blocks] - Change attributes to upper, lower or mixed
Tool # 175 - [Blocks] - Rename block attribute tags, prompts and

Tool # 176 - [AutoCAD Map] - Convert Object Data to Xdata
Tool # 177 - [AutoCAD Map] - Transfer Object Data between two objects
Tool # 178 - [AutoCAD Map] - Transfer Object Data to Block Attributes
Tool # 179 - [AutoCAD Map] - Transfer AutoCAD entity properties to
Object Data
Tool # 180 - [AutoCAD Map] - Transfer Object Data into Entity
Tool # 181 - [AutoCAD Map] - Transfer Block Attributes to Object Data
Tool # 182 - [AutoCAD Map] - Transfer Database linked data to Object
Tool # 183 - [AutoCAD Map] - Create Text Labels from Object Data
Tool # 184 - [AutoCAD Map] - Merge two object data tables
Tool # 185 - [AutoCAD Map] - Remove duplicate object table records
Tool # 186 - [AutoCAD Map] - Export Object Data to ASCII files
Tool # 187 - [AutoCAD Map] - Export Object Table field structure to
ASCII files
Tool # 188 - [AutoCAD Map] - Transfer Text Strings to Object Data
Tool # 189 - [AutoCAD Map] - List Object Data
Tool # 190 - [AutoCAD Map] - Search and replace Object table data
Tool # 191 - [AutoCAD Map] - Select topology objects graphically
Tool # 192 - [AutoCAD Map] - Copy Object Table definition
Tool # 193 - [AutoCAD Map] - Define Object Table from block attributes
Tool # 194 - [AutoCAD Map] - Define Object Table from linked database
Tool # 195 - [AutoCAD Map] - Global Object Data Editor
Tool # 196 - [AutoCAD Map] - Format text labels queried with 'Alter
Tool # 197 - [AutoCAD Map] - Auto-Incrementing object data assignment
to objects
Tool # 198 - [AutoCAD Map] - Break object but retain object data in
broken parts
Tool # 199 - [AutoCAD Map] - Create auto-incrementing object table
Tool # 200 - [AutoCAD Map] - Explode objects, retain extended entity
data and object table data
Tool # 201 - [AutoCAD Map] - Check for no Xdata / object data

Tool # 202 - [Civil Tools] - Annotate surveyed traverse [planimetric]
with chainages
Tool # 203 - [Civil Tools] - Draw cross-sectional profile along a 3d
Tool # 204 - [Civil Tools] - Draw graded polylines

Tool # 205 - [Miscellaneous] - Control 3dface Face Normals
Tool # 206 - [Miscellaneous] - Draw slope lines between two edges
Tool # 207 - [Miscellaneous] - Object Chopper
Tool # 208 - [Miscellaneous] - Automatic Dimensioning
Tool # 209 - [Miscellaneous] - Export every layer to its own DWG
Tool # 210 - [Miscellaneous] - Match Object Properties
Tool # 211 - [Miscellaneous] - Roughen lines
Tool # 212 - [Miscellaneous] - Compute Surface Area of 3DFACEs
Tool # 213 - [Miscellaneous] - Align Objects
Tool # 214 - [Miscellaneous] - Extract from XREF
Tool # 215 - [Miscellaneous] - Multiple DWG XREF
Tool # 216 - [Miscellaneous] - Multiple DWG Insert
Tool # 217 - [Miscellaneous] - Split drawing using WBLOCK
Tool # 218 - [Miscellaneous] - Sort ASCII files
Tool # 219 - [Miscellaneous] - Draw vegetation cover symbols
Tool # 220 - [Miscellaneous] - Draw Embankment hatch slopes pattern
Tool # 221 - [Miscellaneous] - Fix objects with non-parallel UCS
Tool # 222 - [Miscellaneous] - Import ARC ASCII DEM files
Tool # 223 - [Miscellaneous] - Export ARC ASCII DEM files
Tool # 224 - [Miscellaneous] - Layer Names Editor
Tool # 225 - [Miscellaneous] - Export 3dfaces as SMS 2DM format
Tool # 226 - [Miscellaneous] - Import an SMS 2DM as 3dfaces
Tool # 227 - [Miscellaneous] - Compute summed polyline areas from
selected layers
Tool # 228 - [Miscellaneous] - Explode objects, retain extended entity
data and object table data
Tool # 229 - [Miscellaneous] - Insert geo-referenced images
Tool # 230 - [Miscellaneous] - Contour Spacing Distance Tools
Tool # 231 - [Miscellaneous] - Break (split) objects along a polyline
Tool # 232 - [Miscellaneous] - Flatten - Convert objects to 0.0
Tool # 233 - [Miscellaneous] - Zoom to extents of selected objects
Tool # 234 - [Miscellaneous] - Scale objects (unequally) in X, Y and Z
Tool # 235 - [Miscellaneous] - Create a mean (averaged) point from a
cluster of points
Tool # 236 - [Miscellaneous] - Transparent geographical coordinate

Tool # 237 - [Annotation] - Label picked points with XYZ values
Tool # 238 - [Annotation] - Label Polyline Vertices
Tool # 239 - [Annotation] - Label polylines with object / database
linked database
Tool # 240 - [Annotation] - Label Polyline Segments
Tool # 241 - [Annotation] - Label Contour polylines
Tool # 242 - [Annotation] - Label Polyline Angles
Tool # 243 - [Annotation] - Create polygonal centroid points / labels
Tool # 244 - [Annotation] - Annotate ends of curves with block symbols

Tool # 245 - [Layer] - Isolate & Restore selected layers
Tool # 246 - [Layer] - Save & Restore Layer Settings 1 / 2 / 3
Tool # 247 - [Layer] - Copy layer contents to another layer


GeoTools is only US$ 174.00 per license. Attractive multiple license
discounts available.

Fully functional 30-day evaluation version available for download from


Did you sign-up for the GeoTools newsletter? Be informed and be part
of the development.

Log on now to http://www.4d-technologies.com/geotools


Are you a programmer? Have you visited our TechCenter where you can
download for FREE hundreds of AutoLisp code and build your own
powerful applications and programs.

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- Rakesh Rao [rakesh.rao(at)4d-technologies.com]
- Four Dimension Technologies
- Coordinate Systems
2007-11-14 01:28:31 UTC
Why the hell do you think that someone would buy something from someone that
can't even tell the difference between Autocad and Intellicad?
Post by Rakesh Rao
G E O T O O L S 8.08 C O M M A N D S S N A P S H O T
Rakesh Rao
2007-11-14 04:34:37 UTC
Hello CW,

GeoTools is being developed for IntelliCAD as well. Parts of it are
already in use at several IntelliCAD.client sites.

I am not sure what makes you think we do not know the difference
between AutoCAD and IntelliCAD.

I am ready to clarify any apprehensions or questions you have.

Rakesh Rao

Post by CW
Why the hell do you think that someone would buy something from someone that
can't even tell the difference between Autocad and Intellicad?
Post by Rakesh Rao
G E O T O O L S 8.08 C O M M A N D S S N A P S H O T
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