2005-12-22 12:30:59 UTC
Hi everyone. We bought the newest release of Bricscad's version the
other day, and we've been able to migrate from Acad in a totally
seamless fashion. Just to confirm what most of you already know, Icad
is a perfect alternative even though we send and receive files all the
time to and from people using various incarnations of Autocad.
Once in a while I read in this forum that some of you prefer older
versions for stability reasons, but Bricscad 6 is extremely stable and
very nice to work with. They just included object / entity snap
tracking, a feature that's impossible to live without once you're used
to it.
Merry christmas!
Sven Nyström
other day, and we've been able to migrate from Acad in a totally
seamless fashion. Just to confirm what most of you already know, Icad
is a perfect alternative even though we send and receive files all the
time to and from people using various incarnations of Autocad.
Once in a while I read in this forum that some of you prefer older
versions for stability reasons, but Bricscad 6 is extremely stable and
very nice to work with. They just included object / entity snap
tracking, a feature that's impossible to live without once you're used
to it.
Merry christmas!
Sven Nyström