I see a lot of spam...are there actually any IntelliCAD users here?
(too old to reply)
Sunburned Surveyor
2009-07-16 17:29:53 UTC
I see a lot of spam on this group. Are there actually any IntelliCAD
users listening? I'm looking for a good place to answer and ask
questions about IntelliCAD (and especially AutoLISP programming) and I
thought this would be a good place to start.

2009-07-18 20:04:13 UTC
Post by Sunburned Surveyor
I see a lot of spam on this group. Are there actually any IntelliCAD
users listening? I'm looking for a good place to answer and ask
questions about IntelliCAD (and especially AutoLISP programming) and I
thought this would be a good place to start.
I have a look occasionally, there used to be a little more activity than
now. It's a shame the various Intellicad forums are the place to go, but
users don't get to associate with others outside their own brands there.

Questions about your particular variant might best be asked as support
requests or questions on its own closed forum (they are usually confined
to registered users). Brands are not all the same and a problem with one
may not be with another.

There are lots of good places for lisp, they don't have to be dedicated
to Icad. Some are listed just under autolisp.

http://www.theswamp.org/index.php is a general cad site which I have
looked at but not really used.
