Post by RG Van AlstyneIt's not freely available, at least in the current versions, this was an
old (2000) version from when you could still get it...
Yes, when the ITC first came about you could join as an independant
member and get access to the source code. The mentality was this was
going to be an open source development with a GPL type of license.
Not to long after this it was quietly decided by the paid members that
the independant member status would be eliminated and you had to join
the ITC to get the source. Joining means a $10,000 entry fee if I'm
not mistaken.
It's unfortunate because there were a couple of Linux heads who were
actively looking at porting Icad over to Linux. The problem was that
Icad written around the Microsoft Foundation Classes and there weren't
any alternatives in Linux. Shortly thereafter a set of MFC clone
libraries appeared, but by that point Icad was no longer open source